A formal grammar (sometimes simply called a grammar) is a set of rules and symbols for forming strings in a formal language. The rules describe how to form strings from the language's alphabet that are valid according to the language's syntax. A grammar does not describe the meaning of the strings or what can be done with them, that is to say that the syntax is correct. A formal language makes use of these grammars. Viewed in the context of the site content presented here, this refers to assimilating to the customs and presidents of practices already standard in several other fields of design, one of them being software design for computer hardware. Breaching boundaries and making use of the methods applied in other fields of design. It is as such inevitable that professions and disciplines converge.
To generate a string in a language, one begins with a string consisting of only a single start symbol. The production rules are then applied in any order, until a string that contains neither the start symbol nor designated nonterminal symbols is produced. A production rule is applied to a string by replacing one occurrence of the production rule's left-hand side in the string by that production rule's right-hand side. The language formed by the grammar consists of all distinct strings that can be generated in this manner. Now a generic Formal Grammar could in effect form any possible language in the world, but what professional disciplines are interested in here are grammars that can be more confined for certain kinds of processes suited for their field of work.
Cross - discipline reasearch requires language translation, in turn needing parsing of the symbols of the grammars - Which is why the topic of Formal Grammars is an important one.
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